Friday, November 21, 2008

Lawn waste roasting on an open fire

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Bud burned for (maybe) the final time of the year last night. In the snow -- which still wasn't heavy enough to mention, but I'm doing it anyway again.

No s'mores or hot dogs because work grumped me out so much that I couldn't deal with just going to the grocery for some buns and marshmallows. I'll be glad when Thanksgiving gets here!

Notice a trend with the nighttime photos? I'm not going through a phase. It's winter, and it's never freakin' light outside when I'm home! How many days 'til spring?

We tried to reintroduce one of our many clocks into the house this evening, but we couldn't figure out how to hang the pendulum. So we're still mostly blissfully unaware of the passage of time when we're in the great room.

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