Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow day!

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Today, Bud and I enjoyed the biggest snow we've gotten in a few years. The 4 or so inches of white stuff had a little coating of ice underneath because of last night's freezing rain.

At the office, we squeezed two days of work into one yesterday, just in case the freezing rain caused a power outage. I had a little scraping to do when I finally left work last night, but it was worth it -- because I got almost a whole snow day today.

Bud hit the driveway on the lawn mower with his new snowplow attachment this morning, clearing the way for me to get out and spend a couple of hours finishing things up at work.

Talk about a worthwhile investment! He'd still be shoveling tomorrow if he hadn't bought that blade earlier this year.

He had such a great time with his new toy that he also cleared a neighbor's drive. He even considered driving the mower to our old neighborhood to help those neighbors, and he probably would have, if I hadn't gotten home from work so quickly.

Bud also trekked around the house taking snow pictures this morning. I'll post one or two of those soon.

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