Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 292: June 23, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
So the day started with a reassuring call from Bryan before I even left for work. He'll stop by to investigate our beam woes, and he'll contact the countertop installers so they can come back and fix the bar top.

Things didn't really go up from there, but in the end, there was some noticeable progress anyway.

Believe it or not, we were still trying to sort out the right colors, amperages, toggles, outlets and switchplates. If you had been here today, you'd understand completely. You might have had an almost-stroke right along with me. But maybe Bud would have rescued you too.

Anyway, the good news is the outdoor lights are up, the undercabinet lighting's installed, and some of the correct receptacles, etc. are in place too.

Gary and Jimmy are plugging away at the downstairs bookcases, which got a coat of paint. And instead of seeing the basement through the holes in the floor, we now have holes with silver linings -- thanks to the HVAC guys' work today.


Brian Smith said...

Meanwhile, we spent yesterday rolling primer (and man, was that stuff strong) and taking cabinet doors down.

This after spending the weekend pulling down eight layers of wallpaper in the breakfast nook so we can hang drywall. We found the flue for the old cookstove, and it was plugged shut with a Feb. 17, 1929 copy of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Tonight, after the 4D ultrasound(!) we've got finish paint to roll in the primed rooms, plus hopefully the drywall will be up so we can prime the kitchen and nook.

Oh, and we have to install a bunch of electrical service boxes because the switches and outlets in most of the house are just screwed into the wall directly.

And we're moving Saturday.

Bud and Mary said...

Eight layers! LOL. We only had two.

So cool that you found that newspaper. The only thing that was in our kitchen chimney was soot!

I can't believe you're actually moving in. Maybe we'll come and live with you. Because you're really quick. And we're really not.

I take it the ultrasound went well. How's Janie?