Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 311: July 12, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
We roared onto the road early this morning, headed for Chattanooga. (Well, Bud roared. My motorcycle's more of a hum. Just ask Bud, who calls it a sewing machine.)

Anyway, after several hours of sunny weather and warm temperatures, we arrived at the hotel. Too early to check in. So we headed for the Tennessee Aquarium and encountered a rain shower. (Foreshadowing.)

So we dripped our way to a late lunch and then spent three hours in the aquarium, which practically bulged with all sorts of cool creatures, including the leafy seadragons in the photo.

Finally, they checked us into the hotel, where we unloaded the bikes and began discussing dinner. But when we glanced out the window, it was raining again, so we took a nap instead.

Later, dinner was at the best Asian buffet we've ever found. Made-to-order sushi included!

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