Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 312: July 13, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Our sunny ride to Chattanooga on Saturday seems that much more glorious when you compare it to our return trip today.

Just before we headed toward home, we dropped a few miles south to add pictures of the Georgia sign to this year's ABCs of Touring collection.

You can see that Bud already had donned his rainsuit, which turned out to be little protection against the rain we practically swam through for more than 100 miles. (For the next 200 or so, we alternated semi-drying out with getting re-soggy.)

Happy to be home and dry several hours later, we made a quick trip to the Harley store for new, and we hope better, rainsuits. We're still planning to add gaiters for both of us and a helmet with a face shield for me to our rain-defense repertoire. (Bud already has the helmet, shield flipped up in the photo.)

As for the house, we didn't expect any progress, so we were pleased to find that both bathrooms are completely tiled and just awaiting grout. Also, the sunroom walls got a first coat of color. Not too shabby for a weekend.

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