Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 19: Sept. 23, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Another stay-in day to let Bud's foot continue to heal.

To get out of the house briefly in the afternoon, we visited a couple of furniture stores and grabbed some ice cream.

I've somehow managed to catch a cold by staying home. I hope it doesn't get as bad as the one I had earlier this summer. That one turned into a nasty sinus infection -- so bad that I'm still not sure it wasn't walking pneumonia. In fact, I guess this could be a relapse of that, considering that I've never really entirely stopped with the runny nose and coughing. I just keep blaming it on allergies.

We had planned to go to the lake this weekend, so in honor of that canceled trip, I'm posting a photo of Pirate Bud and the five bass he caught last week.

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