Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 7: Sept. 11, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary, Jimmy and Bud removed the upper cabinets from the kitchen today and also took out some of the built-in cabinets from the pantry. Bud managed to save all but one of the cup pulls we bought last year for the pantry cabinets.

They also got rid of the microwave and the oven, both of which were old enough that it wasn't worth trying to sell them.

The demolition of the wall between the pantry and the kitchen is still on hold because the plumber has to come by and turn off the water to the line that fills the refrigerator's ice maker.

Today's surprise: The soffit in the kitchen has a purpose. The waste pipe from the upstairs plumbing runs above the kitchen ceiling and enters the wall at an angle behind the soffit. (The entry point is almost exactly above Gary, who's in the blue shirt, in this picture).

I hope this doesn't mean the end of to-the-ceiling cabinetry.

A Bobcat arrived today in anticipation of the gravel that will be delivered in the morning for the garage floor. Bud wants to learn to drive it.

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