Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 271: June 2, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Siding got going in a noticeable way today. The subcontractors finished the driveway side of the addition and replaced nearly all of the siding that adjoins it. I didn't remember to check the other side of the house for progress.

Gary and Jimmy neared completion of the upstairs bookcases, which look more incredible as each additional piece of trim goes up. Gary said all along that they would look great when they got crown molding, and he was right, as usual.

For a few days now, Bud's been hard at work in our many yards, so they're looking pretty darn good. And amazingly enough, he's free of poison ivy. So far.

Getting back to work wasn't exactly fun. And there was bad news to boot: Late this evening our county clerk, a genuinely good guy, collapsed on the street and died.


Brian Smith said...

Just collapsed and died? Any word on what caused it?

Bud and Mary said...

I'm sure you already found the story I e-mailed you. Heart attack, it seems.