Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slowly, semi-steadily

While I've been back to work and pitching in a little bit at night, Bud's plugging away daily. He cleared a spot in the garage for me yesterday, so the Jeep didn't have to endure last night's freezing temperatures.

We also could have a mailbox by the end of the day today. I bought it last week, and Bud finally got a chance to start working on it yesterday.

Inside, we're expanding outward from the great room, which still has cardboard-box end tables. Bud's office is organized and functional, and if you peek inside the kitchen cabinets, you won't be staring into an abyss anymore. The closet is mostly organized. The medicine cabinets are starting to fill up -- well, at least the one upstairs is.

Still, we've got a long way to go. Last night, I had to pause in the middle of making dinner to drive to the other house and grab a measuring cup. (I brought back four -- and a pot with a steamer insert. My rule is that I can't walk out the door there without my hands full.) Then we had to go back later, so that I could check my hair appointment card, which is still magneted to the refrigerator there, and pick up some storage containers for last night's leftovers.

No pictures yet. The camera has been sitting forlornly on the kitchen bar for days.

Laura's family probably will learn the results of her dad's biopsy Friday. She says his appetite and strength are noticeably less.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Home Sweet Home

All the essentials -- TV, Internet, great-room furniture, bed -- finally were in place Saturday, so we took the plunge. It's still hard to believe we're actually in.

Since Saturday, it seems as if we've done nothing but move and arrange things, and yet, we're still using boxes as end tables in the great room! I have no new photos because I can't stop hauling stuff into the house long enough to pick up the camera, and also because the USB cable with the camera dongle is still at the other house.

Speaking of the other house, it's overwhelming to look around there and realize all of that stuff has to come here. Soon.

Gary and Jimmy are back and working on the to-do list we accumulated for them while they were gone building railings for someone else. After they wrap up those final details, they'll be ready to prepare the other house to sell.

Problem is, I'm not sure we'll be ready for them that quicky.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 407: Oct. 16, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The more time I spend at the house in a day, the less likely I am to take pictures. And the worst part of forgetting today is that Dad came to town for lunch and a house tour!

So here's a photo from a few days ago, just after the front-porch ceiling had been painted. The light fixture is hanging open because it hadn't been painted yet. Now it's black, instead of green, but the unfortunate part is that it doesn't work anymore! Our first plan of attack tomorrow will be to try a new bulb.

Bud and the cable guys got things taken care of this afternoon, so now we can watch TV at the new house. We allegedly have Internet access too, but we haven't gotten around to confirming that yet.

I made a little more progress on dust control in the kitchen this evening. As I cleaned the front of the oven, it occurred to me that none of the buttons worked. That fix was easy; the breaker wasn't turned on.

But we still don't know why we can't get water from the refrigerator.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 406: Oct. 15, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Let the boxing begin. Not to mention the kitchen cleaning.

I started battling the dust in the kitchen this afternoon. Unfortunately, Kathy is sick, so I didn't have her expert help.

I also started moving boxes of kitchen things into the breakfast area so they'll be handy when I finally have dust-free cabinets to put them in.

While Bud waited for the cable/Internet installer, he sanded and painted the vent covers we washed the other day. They look great. He also started putting the covers back on the lights on the deck steps. Those look much better too.

When the installer finally arrived late this afternoon, he couldn't do anything after all -- because the company has to drop a line from the pole to the house. So that's the plan for tomorrow.

Laura's dad is still in the hospital. Last I talked with her, the mass near his pancreas still hadn't been biopsied.

Day 405: Oct. 14, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Bud whirled all dervishlike outside again today, putting out another truckload of mulch, more grass seed. He also cleaned the patio and the deck.

At lunch, we moved the patio table and chairs from the garage to their rightful place on the deck. Now to have a drink!

Laura's dad is in the hospital. Although his doctors don't know exactly what's wrong yet, they suspect the problem is pancreatic cancer. I'm really hoping that's not the case -- and I know I'm far from the only one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 404: Oct. 13, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Five truckloads of mulch later, Bud's somehow still standing and the area surrounding the deck almost entirely covered.

Upstairs, Chester put a second coat of urethane on the great-room floor. Dwayne, the drywaller, finished up his work on the kitchen ceiling; and Robert and Gary, the painters, got to work on their first coat. They also painted the ceiling of the front porch.

At lunch, I was on wasp duty. About seven or eight got into the guest room through an open window this weekend, much to their regret. Spraying them was scary, but very effective. I spent the rest of the time cleaning wasp spray off the ceiling, the light fixture, the wall, the window and the floor. As of this evening, none of their buddies had shown up to check on them.

Kathy cleaned the upstairs again. I think it's going to be a while before we stop tracking dust from the driveway and rooms that haven't been cleaned into the clean areas of the house.

After work, I moved a couple of small pieces of furniture from the garage into the house -- a jewelry chest that used to belong to Bud's aunt and the mirror that goes on the dresser in the guest bedroom.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Days 402-403: Oct. 11-12, 2008

So I misunderstood when I thought Jimmy said Jesse was coming Friday. He actually said Chester -- which was even better. Chester sanded the entire great-room floor and put the first coat of urethane down.

He'll be back Monday and Tuesday for the second and final coats. After that, we have to wait 24 hours to walk on it, and then a week to put furniture on it.

Friday night and Saturday morning, I washed bed linens for the new house (using the washer and dryer at the new house!). On Saturday, I put sheets on both beds, and stuffed the comforter for the master into its duvet cover. I also ordered a comforter for the guest room. Bud took care of things outside. Watering the newly seeded grass, cleaning the patio, that stuff.

On Saturday evening, we went to the farm for dinner to celebrate Chris' birthday. I promised myself all day that I would take pictures, so that I could show you my side of the family really does exist. When I forgot the camera, I figured I'd take phone pictures. Then I forgot those too.

Sunday, we vacuumed the central air vents and painted the insides black. We washed the vent covers, which are drying in the garage and will need new coats of paints also.

We moved a few pieces of furniture from Bud's mom's house. There were a couple of large pieces we had planned to move, but they're still crammed full of things, so we made new selections. We'll try to clean out the others this week or next weekend -- since we won't be able to put stuff into the great room yet, we'll have a little time on our hands.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 401: Oct. 10, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
As Bud and I took our evening deer cruise last night, a frog hopped across the road in front of us. I stopped, and Bud got out and caught the chilly little guy.

Bud handed the frog to me through the driver-side window, but the pass didn't go smoothly. The frog jumped down onto the floor and disappeared.

When I got out to look for him, he was snuggled up in a tight area above the hood release. I reached for him, and he moved further into the dash.

So we finished the deer run -- with me fearing the whole time that our new friend would jump out of hiding and onto my feet, at which point I would scream and drive off the road.

But we managed to stay off the sidewalks on the way home. I checked the floor and dash again after we had been back for a while. Nothing. Bud looked everything over once more early this morning. Nothing.

We resigned ourselves to the fact that we had sentenced our poor little frog to a sun-baked death and ourselves to weeks of dead-amphibian smell.

When I piled my stuff into the Jeep this morning to head for work, I reached across the console to put my purse in the passenger seat. I checked the floor for frogs, found the right key on my key ring and started to climb in.

Then I glanced down at the console, where our spotty green friend sat calmly (and literally coolly, as I found out when I picked him up) in the change tray!

He was chilled again, so catching him wasn't a challenge. Holding on to him 'til I got to the new house to release him was a little more interesting.

We're hoping he'll hang around his new home in the garage retaining wall for a while. But we've tried to institute an unsuccessful frog relocation program in the past, so we're not optimistic.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 400: Oct. 9, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Bud rented a mini skid loader this morning and backfilled the remaining area next to the patio under the deck. (Much better, and faster, than a shovel!) Then he used a rake to even it out.

Nice disco-ball effect from the sun shining through the deck, huh?

Reno grouted the front porch, and he said walking on it will be fine by the time to mattresses arrive tomorrow. He also reiterated that it'll be OK for us to walk in the kitchen and sun room too.

Gary (the painter, not the contractor) put a second coat of stain on part of the deck. I think he'll get to the rest tomorrow. Jesse also will be there tomorrow to reinstall the recessed lights that got moved because of the new cabinets.

Bud says the cable installers are scheduled for Wednesday. I guess they got "rushed up" after all.

So that means our big hold-up is going to be the hardwood floors. Time for me to get the phone number from Jimmy so I can pester Chester!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 399: Oct. 8, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Here's how close we are to finished: Gary and Jimmy took their table saw today and went to work on someone else's two-day project. Even though they're not gone for good yet, it was sad to watch them leave.

The tile's still groutless, but you get to see it anyway -- because I didn't take any new pictures today. (I think they're grouting tomorrow -- except for the bullnose edges, which won't be here 'til the middle of the month.)

Reno sealed the kitchen and sunroom tile this afternoon. We can't walk on it for at least 24 hours. So, doing out-of-the-house stuff today, we bought mattresses for our bedroom and the guest bedroom. They'll be delivered Friday evening. I hope there's a way to get into the house by then!

Speaking of mattresses, I've been puzzling over when I can stop with the "Day XXX" post titles. I think I've decided to give them up after we spend our first night in the house.

But even then, we not be fully in. We also stopped by the cable office this afternoon, and although the woman told Bud she'd try to "rush them up," the first appointment was for the beginning of November!

They're coming to do the phone a couple of weeks before that, so we're hoping they can do both (and the Internet too) at the same time.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 398: Oct. 7, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Bud spent another day shoveling dirt, and it shows. The side yard is smoothed and seeded, and the gutter drain lines are buried.

The railing above the front porch is complete. The one on top of the house is yet to be started.

Harold Wayne and his helper, Reno, continued tiling the front porch today. I'm really enjoying the way it's turning out, but I'm trying to restrain myself from posting a photo until it's completed and grouted.

And how 'bout this for good news: The kitchen cabinets are fixed! And, wow, do they look great!

Having the refrigerator surround the correct depth makes all the difference in the world. I fell in love with the kitchen all over again. (You'll have to wait for that photo too -- because the repairs aren't complete from where we had to move some recessed lighting to make room for the deeper cabinets.)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 397: Oct. 6, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
On Friday, six dump truck loads of dirt were delivered to backfill the area under the deck. Today, when the backhoe arrived to move the dirt, the guys discovered that the bucket wouldn't fit under the deck.

So Bud and Jimmy had the unexpected job of shoveling all that dirt. They finished the driveway side today. Fun, huh? And speaking of moving dirt, in the picture, Bud is smoothing the side yard for seeding tomorrow.

At the front of the house, the tilers started laying the porch floor. Above that, on the porch roof, Gary started putting up railing.

The electrician and the drywaller prepared the kitchen for the return of the cabinet installers, who are scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

Day 396: Oct. 5, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Moving stuff tends to require both hands, which means no photos -- so here's another great one from yesterday.

You can see that Lance knows his way around a motorcycle already. He's a natural motorsports guy.

As I mentioned, Bud and I moved a few more things around today. It didn't go as quickly as we had hoped because a couple of the pieces we wanted to move still had drawers full of stuff. That added up to a lot of sorting -- because the stuff was the now-typical assortment of incredibly interesting memorabilia and broken oddities.

But any moving is progress. And it all has to be done at some point. Even the drawer sorting.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 395: Oct. 4, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Today we got to meet Eliza for the first time!

Brian and Janie were nearby, visiting her family, and they made a special trip to town so we could see their girl in person. Laura and Lance were able to come into town for the morning too.

Eliza was, of course, adorable. She's five weeks old. What else could she possibly be? At first, Lance wasn't so sure how to take some who's even smaller than he is. But he's a smart guy, so he figured the whole thing out pretty quickly.

The rest of the day, Bud and I got a little cleaning and furniture moving-in done.

Day 394: Oct. 3, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Kirby's memorial stone arrived today.

I still forget that she's not here anymore. I practically have to remind myself aloud not to check on her and not to save our leftovers for her. So I'm glad that she at least has a nice marker for her new home.

A while ago, Bud moved Roscoe from the current house to a spot beside Kirby. Kirbs was sad and lonely when Roscoe died in 2003, so I'll bet they had a great reunion.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 393: Oct. 2, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
We have gutters. Which means we're finally ready for that final inspection. (It's scheduled for tomorrow morning!)

Gary and Jimmy were nice enough to begin installing our Roman shades today, a relief for Bud and me because we really weren't looking forward to tackling that job.

Bud installed his patio speakers this morning. You can see one at the corner of the addition in photo. (And you can see one of the post caps too.)

Kathy cleaned more this afternoon. Bud and I took the bed frame up to the master bedroom and put it together this evening, and we also moved the hall tree into the entry hall.

It's still hard to believe we're actually putting furniture in the house.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 392: Oct. 1, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Now here's some progress! Bud picked up the dining room table, its chairs and the sideboard from the refinisher this afternoon.

See, there they are ... IN THE DINING ROOM!! How shocked are you?

Bud was talking with Gary and Jimmy this morning about where we could put the table until the final inspection, and it turns out that we can move into the old part of the house even before the final. Who knew?

So when Kathy made her first cleaning visit today, we asked her to start in the dining room instead of upstairs. (She's speedy, though. She also got the master bedroom finished, except for the windows.)

Outside this morning, Bud, Gary and Jimmy placed the post caps on the columns and Gary sealed them. They're bigger than I pictured, but they're fine. They're already growing on me.

Back to the dining room furniture. It belonged to Bud's maternal grandparents. Remember we went to the auction preview last week of the house that used to be theirs? This is the table that used to be in their dining room there.