Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 406: Oct. 15, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Let the boxing begin. Not to mention the kitchen cleaning.

I started battling the dust in the kitchen this afternoon. Unfortunately, Kathy is sick, so I didn't have her expert help.

I also started moving boxes of kitchen things into the breakfast area so they'll be handy when I finally have dust-free cabinets to put them in.

While Bud waited for the cable/Internet installer, he sanded and painted the vent covers we washed the other day. They look great. He also started putting the covers back on the lights on the deck steps. Those look much better too.

When the installer finally arrived late this afternoon, he couldn't do anything after all -- because the company has to drop a line from the pole to the house. So that's the plan for tomorrow.

Laura's dad is still in the hospital. Last I talked with her, the mass near his pancreas still hadn't been biopsied.

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