Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 261: May 23, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The countertop guy showed up this morning to make his templates. So no worrying about that next week. Whew.

After a little confusion on Jesse's part, Gary found the directions and the guys sorted out the mounting of the range hood. (Which has to wait for the backsplash to be tiled, which can't get started 'til the countertops are installed ...)

Robert started painting the laundry room and upstairs bathroom today. I still can't believe I actually chose four colors that I continued to like after they hit the walls!

The windows and skylights for the sun room arrived today. I think the guys are planning to install them this afternoon.

And, finally, here's the Laura-and-Lance photo I promised. How many smooches can one mommy give? :-)

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