Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 365: Sept. 4, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Welcome to one year! It would be fitting to report some big breakthough or exciting accomplishment for the day, but as you can probably guess, I have none.

Gary and Jimmy continued to work on the deck. They placed the fixtures for the lighting in the posts. They also cut the holes in the driveway-side steps for the lights that will go there.

Bud suggested tonight that we install lights in the garage-side steps too, so we visited a couple of Lowe's store and managed to scrounge up enough fixtures.

The replacement top for the downstairs vanity arrived today. I tried to look it over carefully before the installers left. I didn't see anything, but Bud found a tiny scratch after they were gone. I think we can live with that.

Still haven't heard back from Bryan. I left him a voicemail this morning.

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