Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 356: Aug. 26, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
After breakfast with Jamie and Allyson, we waited around all morning for the marble fix-it crew to arrive. But when we got a call that it would be later than 1:30 p.m. before they showed up, we headed off on our vacation, leaving Jimmy and Gary to handle the vanity problems.

The guys had begun building one of the columns for the deck before we left.

Motorcycles loaded and no rain in the forecast, we began our trip to Milwaukee for Harley-Davidson's 105th anniversary celebration -- our first-ever longer-than-overnight trip on the bikes.

Bud had a few ABCs of Touring photos scheduled along the way, so on the first day, we only went as far as Lafayette, Ind., near Purdue University.

In the photo, Bud checks out the Wasbash River, which runs through Purdue's campus, after our great dinner at 9 Irish Brothers, recommended to us by a really helpful clerk at the local Harley shop.

Jimmy left a voicemail in the late afternoon that the marble guys weren't able to fix the pit in the marble, so they'll be cutting a new top. No word yet on when it will arrive.

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