Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day 367: Sept. 6, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Along with our neighbor Mark, we went on a poker run to benefit Kentucky's Healing Field, a memorial honoring military members who've died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The memorial, which features a flag and plaque for each person who is honored, was dedicated a little less than a year ago. This past spring, high winds destroyed almost all of the flagpoles. The run raised more than $9,000 to rebuild the memorial.

Bud and I had horrible poker hands, as usual -- although not bad enough to win "worst hand" honors. Mark got two pair, but that wasn't enough to score one of the two plaques for the best hands.

At our last stop before the run concluded, we watched the sky as the Goodyear blimp flew overhead. (It was much closer than it appears in this phone picture.) We wondered if it was going to the Kentucky game, but that's not exactly the direction it was headed.

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