Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 377: Sept. 16, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary and Jimmy continued replacing trim. When there wasn't enough old trim leftover to surround the door from the hall to the downstairs bathroom, Bud took Gary to a new source, the second floor of the building where my office is located.

Decades ago, Bud's dad was the owner and publisher of the newspaper where I work now. (Bud's grandfather bought it in 1921.) Bud's dad and Bud's aunt sold the paper to a newspaper group in the early 1970s, but they still owned the building -- so we own it now.

Above the newspaper office were several more office spaces, including Bud's grandmother's hat shop -- where Bud and Gary found trim very similar to what's in our house.

It's not easy to see in this picture, but C.E. Bond, the guy who built our house near the turn of the century, signed the back of this trim piece, which Bud and Gary borrowed from the office for our bathroom door!

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