Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Day 29: Oct. 3, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Project 'Level the Floor' continued today. The guys shored up another spot. They also removed a layer of brick and a bunch of shims from an original floor support. The house had settled all around the original support, so that was the high spot on the first floor.

Gary and Jimmy also sealed the garage floor. They plan to add a second coat of sealant tomorrow.

I met with the block/stone sales rep at the house this afternoon. He brought samples of a stone facade we can use to cover the addition's concrete-block foundation.

You wouldn't believe how closely the samples matched the original house's limestone foundation! The sales rep explained that they created the forms for the facade by making rubber molds of quarried stone foundations like ours.

So, anyway, we're getting an estimate. Yay!

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