Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 57: Oct. 31, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
For Halloween, our garage got a coat of house wrap and some windows. Before that, Gary and Jimmy replaced the chipboard on the back of the garage because it had warped from all the rain we got while Bud and I were on our trip last week.

Roofing is supposed to start tomorrow.

We had a great time tonight at Kentucky's first basketball game of the season -- a 99-64 win over Pikeville College.

On the way home, we clipped a deer. Fortunately for us (and probably for her too), there doesn't seem to be any damage to the Jeep -- not even a tiny deer hair on the edge of the bumper.

Because of that, Bud swears he thinks we probably just barely grazed her rear. I want to believe him because I love deer. I don't want to hurt them!

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