Sunday, October 28, 2007

Days 53-54: Oct. 27-28, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Early in the construction process, when deliveries of lumber and block started arriving at the house, Gary and Jimmy made a sign for our front yard.

"Attractive" didn't exactly describe the creation of plywood and fluorescent orange paint, but it put the house number out there where delivery drivers couldn't miss it.

This weekend, someone apparently decided they'd had enough of our custom-built sign. We were glad nothing else around the house seemed to be disturbed.

We hung around our current house for most of the weekend. Cleaned cars. Cleared out some of the garden to get it ready for winter. Watched drag racing and football. Stuff like that. I bought a couple of new Kentucky shirts so I'd be prepared for the first game of basketball season next week.

After at least four calls, we're still trying to get Bud's mom's daily newspaper stopped. Luckily, she was a pay-by-the-month subscriber, so the problem should take care of itself by Thursday.

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