Friday, October 12, 2007

Day 37: Oct. 11, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Today was the first day of raftering.

Bud, Gary, Jimmy and Tom put chipboard around the top of the front and back of the garage. Then they put up the first section of ridgeboard (the board that runs horizontally along the peak of the roof) and rafters -- completing probably a little more than a third of them.

Bud and I visited the home of a couple whose cabinets came from the Amish cabinetmakers Gary and Jimmy recommended. The cabinets, and the rest of the house, were beautiful, and the couple had lots of helpful suggestions.

We're going to try to visit their cabinetmaker next week. It's about three hours away, though, and Wednesday promises to be busy for me at work. So we'll see.

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