Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 252: May 14, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
I called Jimmy this morning to check one more detail before contacting Bryan. Then I hopped in the shower while I was waiting for the return call. When the phone rang, it was Bryan, who is now officially psychic.

He said the cabinets already are in production, and they'll be ready for installation next week! How cool is that?

It set off an instant panic to buy cabinet hardware, though. My choices have been in my bookmarks for months, but the company charges a 20 percent restocking fee for orders returned after 20 days. I didn't want to order 'til we were close. Just in case.

So I counted up the knobs and pulls one more time, surfed on over to House of Antique Hardware -- and discovered that my beloved pulls are out of stock 'til June 6. It's a big deal because they won't be here in time for Bryan to install them.

After much hand-wringing and a desperate consultation with my friend Laura, I convinced myself to love another style -- only to discover that the finish we need is so out of stock that no one can even guess when it will be back in.

I couldn't find anything else I wanted on the entire web, so I ordered the first ones.

Gary and Jimmy started crown molding today. The front room (which will be the exercise room) is finished. The master bedroom isn't quite complete yet.

What else? The painters are working on trim. The hardwood floor is down. Ah, progress.

1 comment:

Brian Smith said...

I guess Janie and I are going to have to start a remodeling blog too, because if it passes the inspection, we're buying a house.

Pictures to come once it's ours (or at least once we have a key.)