Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 348: Aug. 18, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Just as I was walking out the door for work this morning, "Money Talks" blasted from Bud's cell phone. It's the ringtone for Jimmy, who was clearing out the house because the floor guys were starting to sand this morning at 9.

So the end is nigh, I guess. Jimmy thinks it could take the rest of the week on the floors, then they'll need to dry.

After that, we've still got plumbing, medicine cabinets, final floor trim, some other trim, final painting (including the big hole in the wall where we ran the three-way wiring from the laundry room to the downstairs bath), those two windows that were the wrong size, installation of the air conditioning units. And probably some other stuff I've forgotten.

But it's amazing that the list takes up a paragraph instead of 300ish blog entries.

And, of course, there's still the deck. But that won't keep us from cleaning up and moving in.

1 comment:

Brian Smith said...

Let the record state that I TOLD you we'd get done before you. :D