Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 350: Aug. 20, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
My speculation was only a day off. Gary and Jimmy finished the forms today and are planning to pour concrete tomorrow.

Bud suggested a while back that we take two millstones that used to lie in the back yard (where the garage is now) and set them in the concrete walk from the driveway to the deck.

So there they are in the picture, ready to have concrete poured around them. The duct tape is to keep the concrete off their faces.

The first coat of sealant went on the floors today. When I talked to Jimmy this afternoon, he said Chester plans to do another tomorrow and the final coat Friday. That way, the house can be closed all weekend so the floors will have plenty of time to dry.

The marble shop guys didn't come back today to check the vanity top. They're now scheduled for Friday. When I cleaned the top this morning, I found a natural flaw, kind of a pit. So now I'm less confident they'll be able to repair it on site.

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