Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 149: Jan. 31, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The kitchen got its rafters today. The weather is supposed to be pretty crappy tomorrow, but rumor has it that Gary and Jimmy (and possibly Bud) are putting the chipboard on Saturday!

This afternoon, Bud replaced a roller on the current house's garage door, which chose to stop rising yesterday afternoon. I guess it's been feeling overworked since the Jeep started calling it home. Bud's car hasn't been out much the past couple of summers, so the door hadn't been getting a good workout.

We haven't heard from Laura since the family got home last night. I hope no news is good news and that they're all settling in well.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 148: Jan. 30, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The tub finally made it to the second floor this morning. Now it's sitting in the hallway, still in its box.

The guys closed up the hole this afternoon. I guess kitchen raftering can begin tomorrow.

Bud finished the major work on his rolling workbench. Now there's sanding and painting to do. Sad to say, I went back to work. It wasn't as bad as I imagined, and it was much worse.

Lance was discharged this afternoon, complete with new PICC line for continued antibiotic dosing. I'll bet Laura, Louis and Lance are thrilled to be home together for the first time in a month. A home health nurse was supposed the meet them when they arrived.

Maybe we'll get to meet the little guy at last!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 147: Jan. 29, 2008

The rain didn't cooperate, so the Main Street Tub Lift is rescheduled for tomorrow.

Bryan measured for cabinets this morning. As he tried to incorporate the unanticipated ceiling beam into the plan, his first suggestion ironically was false posts from the ceiling beam to the island! That went over as well with Gary and Jimmy as it did with me. After all we went through to avoid posts? Are you kidding me? No, thanks.

He and Gary set March 15 as a tentative date for the kitchen to be ready for the cabinet install. As far away as that sounds, so much is still dependent on the weather that I'm not sure sixish weeks is a realistic estimate. How great would it be if it is, though?!

Back to work tomorrow.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 146: Jan. 28, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary and Jimmy finished building the little roofline that runs across the top of the fireplace and the end of the great room. It even has roofing paper.

Tomorrow is allegedly the day the tub goes upstairs. Hope the rain holds off long enough. Unfortunately, the rigging guy wasn't available today. Tomorrow's also cabinet-measuring day. Woo hoo!

In the upstairs bathroom, we've decide to put in a picture window with an art glass panel instead of the glass block we originally chose. I'll break the news to Gary and Jimmy tomorrow. By the time we finish making changes, they'll probably wish they had finished this project months ago.

Lance is doing well. They're even discussing when he might be discharged. What a fighter that little guy is!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Day 145: Jan. 27, 2008

While I continued to recuperate, Bud began building a moveable workbench. Between naps, I assisted a tiny bit. I forgot to take pictures.

The best news is tomorrow's Monday and I don't have to work. Love that vacation time!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day 144: Jan. 26, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Cats win two in a row! Sadly surprising. Sure hope they can take that momentum on the road.

I survived my first big day out in a week, but I had to take a three-hour nap when we got home. We went to the game, then did a little browsing for a a console to go under the TV at the new house and a new everyday china pattern.

We also finally dropped my sister's birthday present off at her house. I was in pared-down mode for the game, and Linda's house key isn't on the essentials list -- so we were lucky she had just gotten home this afternoon from a visit with our aunt in South Carolina. Otherwise, she would have been waiting even longer for her already-belated gift.

We visited for a few minutes, but I was in desperate need of that nap, so we hit the road pretty quickly.

In the photo, the tub awaits a lift into house next week.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Day 143: Jan. 25, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary and Bud hung the rest of the old kitchen cabinets in the garage. The washer and dryer from the current house will be placed under them someday.

Gary said they'll be moving the tub into the second floor of the house Monday.

Bud's not any sicker, and I really must be improving. I had a burst of cleaning energy this afternoon, but I had to take a nap before I was finished. What can I say? It's a start.

Lance is OK, but we don't have any details yet.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 142: Jan. 24, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Another sick day for me, although I think I'm finally on the improve (or at least I have the dosing schedule down on my drugs). Bud's throat is sore as of this evening.

Gary and Jimmy didn't work today. Maybe because of the bitter temperatures?

I napped and coughed through the day, while Bud continued settling into the garage. Check out the organization on that workbench! Luckily, he was still at the garage when the plumber arrived with the whirlpool tub.

So finally the tub's at the ready. We hope when the temperatures are workable again, it will be time to move the tub in through the upstairs wall.

Since we started looking at kitchen appliances, I've been wrestling with whether we actually would use a warming drawer. After reading a book Bud found on kitchen remodels, I'm going with "yes." We ordered a drawer this afternoon. It should be here next week. If nothing else, we'll dine from toasty plates in the winter.

Lance got his third shunt this afternoon. We haven't heard anything since he got out of surgery.

Day 141: Jan. 23, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Today was a repeat of Monday when it came to how crappy I felt. It didn't take a doctor to predict that a 14-hour workday would cause a relapse. Fun way to start a vacation.

Bud worked on organizing the garage and cleaning his truck. I hope spending some time out of this sick house will keep him from getting my stupid cold.

Gary and Jimmy built the little roof over the exterior of the fireplace. They also built one side of the to-be-shingled return that runs from the great-room roof to the fireplace roof.

They're ready to take out the second-floor wall when the plumber finally comes through with the tub. I don't know what's taking him so long.

Bryan, the cabinet guy, is scheduled to measure next week. Hard to believe it's finally happening.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 140: Jan. 22, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary and Jimmy framed up the kitchen today so that it can be measured for cabinets.

Tomorrow, probably after I nap half the day away, I'll compare notes with Gary on where our current kitchen layout deviates from the original plan. I'll also call Bryan, the cabinet guy, again to try to set up a time for him to take measurements.

Since I'm still sick, we decided to skip the Kentucky-Tennessee game tonight. I'll probably be asleep before it starts anyway.

Bud got his truck back from the body shop, where it received a little freshening work. It looks great. Shiny and smooth.

We got about an inch of snow this morning. I've got no construction-in-the-snow photos to show for it, though, because the snowfall started after I got to work and mostly melted by the time I left for lunch. No fair.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 139: Jan. 21, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
I'm not sure I could have slept much more in the past three days, and the thing is, I still feel horrible. I'm willing to bet that getting to work at 4 a.m. tomorrow won't be the magic cure.

Bud went to the ear doctor this morning, but other than that, neither of us left the house 'til after 5 this evening.

We snapped a couple of pictures at the other house. Gary and Jimmy apparently put chipboard on the open end of the great-room roof. They also added fly rafters, which are the rafters that stick out past the roof on the end of the room. (I'm not sure that makes any sense, but my brain is too fogged by sickness for another try.)

Lance had an ultrasound today, but we haven't heard anything about the results yet. He could get a third shunt as early as Wednesday.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 138: Jan. 20, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Bud built another fire at our current house using discarded lumber from the construction site and unneeded paperwork from his mom's basement. ("Slow news day," he said when I took the picture.)

Other than that, I slept a lot again and we watched football. Patriots vs. Giants, huh?

No office for me tomorrow because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. (It's officially my 10-year anniversary there, though. My first day was MLK Jr. Day in 1998, before our company recognized it as a holiday.) I wonder if Gary and Jimmy are planning to work.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day 137: Jan. 19, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Snuffle, snuffle. Big nap day for me, as I tried to fight a cold.

We finally managed to get out of the house around 2 this afternoon. Stopped by the house for a couple of pictures, searched unsuccessfully for deer.

Last night, we put a couple of For Sale signs in Bud's mom's car, and he parked it in front of his dad's house. He already took a few calls about it today.

Cats hung with the Gators pretty well in the first half. Second half just started. Fingers crossed.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 136: Jan. 18, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary said they'll finish framing enough of the kitchen next week so that Bryan, the cabinet guy, can take measurements and get started on the construction.

Gary and Jimmy added more rafters today. A second set, placed just below the first set, will make the structure stronger.

Today was my sister's birthday. Happy birthday, Linda!

My friends Brian and Janie gave us reason to celebrate too. They're expecting a baby Sept. 8! Yay!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 135: Jan. 17, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
I raced the clock to get the tile sample boards we checked out yesterday back to the store in time today. Bud couldn't return them because he had a migraine all day.

So I left work at 4:30 this afternoon, stopped by the house to pick up the boards and sprouted wings on the way to the tile place, arriving 5:02. The doors were already locked, but luckily, I had called ahead, so they let me in.

Gary and Jimmy continued to work on the great room, where the vaulted ceiling will be flat at its peak. In the photo, the boards that tie the rafters together mark the place where the ceiling will flatten out. It will be 13 feet high at that point.

Lance seems to be bouncing back well from his latest surgery. His doctors are culturing samples from the second shunt to determine what antibiotic will best fight his infection.

I'm practically counting the days 'til my vacation. I'd be marking off the minutes if I weren't too overwhelmed to deal with it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 134: Jan. 16, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary and Jimmy put rafters on the great room today.

They can't do the kitchen rafters yet. It's a long story. The second-level bathroom is getting a large tub, which needs to come in through an outside wall rather than up the stairs. The guys also will have to take out a wall temporarily to tie the roof of the addition into the rest of the house. So they're waiting for the tub to arrive before they open up the wall.

Bud and I did some more tile shopping this afternoon. We finally found a kitchen tile that makes me say, "This is the one!" It's a slate that's cut to look like flagstone. And we found backsplash tile that should look great with it.

When we got home, we dropped the great room fan off at the other house and moved several pieces of furniture up from Bud's mom's basement.

Day 133: Jan. 15, 2008

Gary and Jimmy cut rafters today. They actually put a couple up, but it was too dark for a picture by the time I left work.

Bud and I stopped by at lunch and talked with them about the deck again. We're definitely going with the extension. Since we thought it was going to be there all along, it's sort of like we're spending more money and gaining nothing. But we definitely would have been disappointed not to have it, so that's worth something.

After starting to sift through the things in his mom's basement Monday, Bud took a much-needed rest day. He's been working nonstop lately.

The ceiling fan for the great room arrived. There's a puncture in the box, but if anything inside was harmed, it isn't obvious. I guess we'll find out when we finally have a great room to install it in.

Lance's second shunt showed possible signs of infection, so it was removed. It'll be at least a week before they try again, Laura said.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 132: Jan. 14, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Despite a little snow and some pretty slippery footing, Gary and Jimmy put up the ceiling joists for the new part of the kitchen. And as you can see, the chipboard now sports a lovely Tyvek coat.

New problem: Bud and I apparently were confused about where our deck is supposed to end. We've been under the impression that it wrapped almost all the way around the addition

Turns out it's drawn to end at the corner just to the left of the doorway in this photo, which would mean no deck at all on the left side of the addition. So we're thinking we'll extend the deck along most of the left side of the room.

The big plus in my book is that we'll be able to cover the place where the old stone foundation and the new facade meet. We'll add years to my life by removing the stress of driving by that seam several times a day.

The Lance update is good. This afternoon, Laura reported that his bloodwork seems to be improving, but they were still awaiting spinal-fluid tests to find out what comes next.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 131: Jan. 13, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
We relaxed most of the day, then toted a few things to the garage this evening. Also, we finally moved the ceiling fan for the screened porch from the Jeep into the house.

Speaking of ceiling fans, apparently shipping time on the fan for the great room won't be so long after all. According to the tracking, it'll be here this week.

Laura and I finally connected this afternoon. Lance is doing much better than he was a few days ago, but he's still not 100 percent. They could be home in a day or two or it could be much longer, depending on lots of factors, including how his tests go tomorrow.

Day 130: Jan. 12, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Well, the time we invested in the Kentucky game was worth it for once this season. Who would've thought a win over Vandy could be so exciting?

Nothing new at the house. But I finally took some pictures of Friday's progress.

As you can see, the wall between the former pantry and the "little bedroom" (aka the breakfast room) is gone. Even if the wallpaper had been taken down, it would still pretty obvious where the bedroom was because of the bed that's still there.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 129: Jan. 11, 2008

I think the chipboard's finished, but I didn't get a good look 'til after dark, so I'm not 100 percent on that. Zuri continued demolition, but at night, there's really no way to tell exactly what's been going on inside. No electricity and all.

Lance has been having some trouble with his second shunt, but he seems to be improving some now. Laura thinks they'll be at the hospital at least a few more days.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Day 128: Jan. 10, 2008

Gary and Jimmy hung some chipboard on the other side of the great room this morning. This afternoon, we got almost 2 inches of rain.

Zuri continued to work despite the downpour, though -- because he was inside, tearing out another wall in the kitchen.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 127: Jan. 9, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
I left work a little early, but instead of taking a construction photo, I took a nap. So you get a picture from yesterday of Gary posing with our tattered house plan.

Gary was by himself today, but he worked enough for two people. He hung chipboard on the driveway side of the great room, which involved more ladder climbing that I like to imagine.

The ceiling fan for the screened porch was delivered this afternoon.

Bud ran errands today, and I got organized at work. Deep in my desk drawers, I found receipts from 1998, expense reports from 2001, pay stubs from 2003. I relived the past 10 years of my life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day 126: Jan. 8, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Let's hope the strong winds we're getting tonight don't gust too high. The rain held off 'til after dark, so the guys framed the back wall today after all. They also did the remaining portion of the wall on the driveway side.

Bud worked all day long in the garage. He's going to be so organized out there!

Lance's new shunt was inserted this morning. Somehow I managed to miss a text from Laura about an hour after the surgery was scheduled, and then I must've napped through a voice call from her tonight.

So, not a good day on the communication front. But the important part is that Lance is doing fine, as are Laura and Louis.

One of the furniture makers called yesterday morning, which I hope means they're about to get started on the vanities and bed. He said completion probably will be sometime next month.

Long day at work (thus the nap). I'm hoping to take some time off soon. But since it's not starting tomorrow, it's not soon enough. I'm exhausted!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Day 125: Jan. 7, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Two walls! It's almost scary.

Gary and Jimmy framed the sides of the great room today. The back wall, where the fireplace will be, is up next, I think. But it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so hanging the rest of Bud's cabinets in the garage may take the top spot on the to-do list.

Our new TiVo arrived this afternoon. It's destined for the exercise room, so I can watch "Project Runway" (and much, much more) while running on the treadmill instead of while lying on the loveseat. It'll also free up room on the one in the living room for more of Bud's favorites, which is only fair since I gave it to him as a Valentine's Day gift last year.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 124: Jan. 6, 2008

Hmmm. More garage organizing and house decluttering. Some errands. Some shopping, including ordering the ceiling fans for the great room and the screened porch.

The fan for the great room is from Minka Aire. We chose it months ago, not long after we got the architect's plans. Or maybe even before.

I can't believe it's almost ours! But the shipping time. Ugh. The estimated delivery is early next month.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 123: Jan. 5, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Bud has moved almost every single thing from the old garage to the new one. Now he just has to decide exactly where it will all go.

The best news for me is that I get to park the Jeep in the old garage now. That change of parking arrangements worked out for both us already -- because we didn't have haul our stuff in through the pouring rain when we got home from the game tonight.

Speaking of the game ... yeah, let's not talk about it.

Before our most recent basketball disappointment, we wandered around a gun show -- where Bud showed great restraint, although he was quite tempted.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 122: Jan. 4, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The guys removed the bracing from the beam today. My wishes for no sagging must've worked because we're still on for no posts in the kitchen.

Gary and Jimmy also chopped up the triple-thick wood beam that used to be in the kitchen for use as headers.

Bud moved another couple of loads of stuff into the garage. The guys are planning to hang the rest of his cabinets when it starts raining next week.

I was feeling not-so-great this morning, but I went to work for a meeting anyway. After that, I tried to nap up so I'll be in good enough shape for the Kentucky-Louisville game tomorrow.

The good news keeps coming from Lance. Laura says he's doing well, eating and looking bright-eyed.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 121: Jan. 3, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Finally, the metal beam is in. Framing starts tomorrow!

Bud moved lots of stuff to the garage today, including the pegboard he painted in our current garage this past weekend.

At work, we found out our parent company is being sold. I'm hoping for a quick sale to a company that cares at least a little bit about editorial content. When I went through this somewhere else, the sale wasn't fast and the experience wasn't fun.

Lance continues to do just fine with his external shunt. He got a PIC line today because he'll be receiving antibiotics for several days, even after he gets home. The surgery to place his new internal shunt is scheduled for Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 120: Jan. 2, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The kitchen appliances arrived this afternoon. Too bad there's no kitchen to put them in.

No ceiling beam yet because the guys didn't work today. We're guessing the temperatures in the teens and the ridiculous wind chills kept them away.

Bud continued his garage move-in. He decided, almost certainly, to put the washer and dryer from the current house out there. He also planned where he'll hang the rest of the old kitchen cabinets. And right now, he's thinking the pool table will find a home in Budland too.

Laura called with good news about Lance. He's fine, although he will be having his shunt replaced because of a mild infection. He should be home in about a week.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 119: Jan. 1, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Slept 'til noon. Watched bowl games aplenty. Stuffed ourselves full of sushi for dinner. Got a little snow. I think it's going to be a good year.

In addition to all that fun, Bud managed to finish painting his shelves, move them to their rightful place against the wall, and clean the garage floor. I tamed our holiday clutter and caught up on laundry. We're so ready to have more storage space.

Laura texted that she and Louis took Lance first to a local hospital and then back to the one where he was born yesterday. His low-grade fever has been hanging on for a few days, I think. I hope it's not a serious infection.

Day 118: Dec. 31, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
How did we cram so much into this day?

I got to work just after 6 this morning, and Bud was painting garage shelves by 7.

I left work early so we could make it to the Kentucky game. Which we won! Woo hoo! We came home and watched the football Cats win the Music City Bowl. (Well, actually, I napped 'til the third quarter because I got so little sleep the night before.) Woo hoo again!

And then we made our traditional New Year's Eve pilgrimage to Caesar's, where I managed to leave with a tiny bit more money than I had when I arrived. Now that's a great way to start the new year!