Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 142: Jan. 24, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Another sick day for me, although I think I'm finally on the improve (or at least I have the dosing schedule down on my drugs). Bud's throat is sore as of this evening.

Gary and Jimmy didn't work today. Maybe because of the bitter temperatures?

I napped and coughed through the day, while Bud continued settling into the garage. Check out the organization on that workbench! Luckily, he was still at the garage when the plumber arrived with the whirlpool tub.

So finally the tub's at the ready. We hope when the temperatures are workable again, it will be time to move the tub in through the upstairs wall.

Since we started looking at kitchen appliances, I've been wrestling with whether we actually would use a warming drawer. After reading a book Bud found on kitchen remodels, I'm going with "yes." We ordered a drawer this afternoon. It should be here next week. If nothing else, we'll dine from toasty plates in the winter.

Lance got his third shunt this afternoon. We haven't heard anything since he got out of surgery.

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