Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day 126: Jan. 8, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Let's hope the strong winds we're getting tonight don't gust too high. The rain held off 'til after dark, so the guys framed the back wall today after all. They also did the remaining portion of the wall on the driveway side.

Bud worked all day long in the garage. He's going to be so organized out there!

Lance's new shunt was inserted this morning. Somehow I managed to miss a text from Laura about an hour after the surgery was scheduled, and then I must've napped through a voice call from her tonight.

So, not a good day on the communication front. But the important part is that Lance is doing fine, as are Laura and Louis.

One of the furniture makers called yesterday morning, which I hope means they're about to get started on the vanities and bed. He said completion probably will be sometime next month.

Long day at work (thus the nap). I'm hoping to take some time off soon. But since it's not starting tomorrow, it's not soon enough. I'm exhausted!

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