Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 132: Jan. 14, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Despite a little snow and some pretty slippery footing, Gary and Jimmy put up the ceiling joists for the new part of the kitchen. And as you can see, the chipboard now sports a lovely Tyvek coat.

New problem: Bud and I apparently were confused about where our deck is supposed to end. We've been under the impression that it wrapped almost all the way around the addition

Turns out it's drawn to end at the corner just to the left of the doorway in this photo, which would mean no deck at all on the left side of the addition. So we're thinking we'll extend the deck along most of the left side of the room.

The big plus in my book is that we'll be able to cover the place where the old stone foundation and the new facade meet. We'll add years to my life by removing the stress of driving by that seam several times a day.

The Lance update is good. This afternoon, Laura reported that his bloodwork seems to be improving, but they were still awaiting spinal-fluid tests to find out what comes next.

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