Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 139: Jan. 21, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
I'm not sure I could have slept much more in the past three days, and the thing is, I still feel horrible. I'm willing to bet that getting to work at 4 a.m. tomorrow won't be the magic cure.

Bud went to the ear doctor this morning, but other than that, neither of us left the house 'til after 5 this evening.

We snapped a couple of pictures at the other house. Gary and Jimmy apparently put chipboard on the open end of the great-room roof. They also added fly rafters, which are the rafters that stick out past the roof on the end of the room. (I'm not sure that makes any sense, but my brain is too fogged by sickness for another try.)

Lance had an ultrasound today, but we haven't heard anything about the results yet. He could get a third shunt as early as Wednesday.

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