Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 119: Jan. 1, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Slept 'til noon. Watched bowl games aplenty. Stuffed ourselves full of sushi for dinner. Got a little snow. I think it's going to be a good year.

In addition to all that fun, Bud managed to finish painting his shelves, move them to their rightful place against the wall, and clean the garage floor. I tamed our holiday clutter and caught up on laundry. We're so ready to have more storage space.

Laura texted that she and Louis took Lance first to a local hospital and then back to the one where he was born yesterday. His low-grade fever has been hanging on for a few days, I think. I hope it's not a serious infection.

1 comment:

Brian Smith said...

Keep us posted on Lance. Tell Laura we'll be thinking about them.
