Thursday, December 13, 2007

Day 100: Dec. 13, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Happy Birthday, Baby! I hope. (And if so, I also hope you have a name by now.)

Laura called me this afternoon about an hour before her C-section was scheduled. We haven't heard anything since, so my fingers are still crossed. Yes, it makes typing more difficult.

At the house, somehow the bathroom seems smaller now that almost everything's out of it. Isn't that strange? The garage plumbing passed inspection today. Overall inspection still to come.

Oh, I almost forgot. Bud found out Suri's real name today. It's Zuri. So close.

FABULOUS, WONDERFUL UPDATE: Louis called. The baby's here! And he and Laura are both doing well. 7 pounds, 10 ounces. Black wavy hair. No name.

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