Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Day 99: Dec. 12, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Although we still haven't heard anything official about Rusty's death, I understand that so far it appears to be natural. He'd had odd blood pressure issues lately -- very high, very low, just all over the map -- and some severe headaches too. Aneurysm seems a likely suspect.

His visitation is tomorrow night, and the funeral is planned for Friday afternoon. At work, it was another day of phone calls and e-mails, and another day of trying to handle the pre-Christmas onslaught of special-section deadlines. The two don't mix well.

At the house, it apparently was business as usual: detail work in the garage and Suri's upstairs escapades.

Bud hit the road this morning to pick up our quart of white stain. I'm so excited about it, and yet, I'm too tired to try it out. It has taken a place of importance on tomorrow's to-do list.

Bud also took his motorcycle to the Harley dealership for a checkup. Last time he rode, he encountered a pretty heavy-duty bump, which he thinks may have loosened his handlebars at the least.

Laura and Louis arrived tonight at the hotel where they'll stay 'til their baby is born. (Which might be tomorrow. Woo hoo!) He has spina bifida, so they're getting some specialized care.

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