Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day 106: Dec. 19, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
When we awoke from our long Wednesday's nap, we found great progress at the other house.

The guys apparently were inspired to fill the new trash bin that arrived sometime today -- because the back of the house is finally gone. All that remains is the one little wall sticking out on the left in this photo.

Open the door that used to lead to the kitchen, and now you're in the great outdoors! It's pretty shocking.

That's temporary bracing you see along the back. It will be replaced by a beam -- and soon, we hope, because we like the second floor where it is.

I had big plans when I took my final vacation day of the year today. Instead, I spent it trying to sleep off a headache. Bud was nappy too because he's got a cold, which I hope he doesn't give me for Christmas.

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