Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 159: Feb. 11, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Less than a week after tornadoes skirted us on all sides, our remodeling project finally received a significant blanket of snow. Maybe 2 inches or so.

It's already sleeting/raining and the temperature's still in the low 20s, so the white stuff may be gone by morning, replaced by piles of cars that couldn't stay on the roads.

Before the snow started in late afternoon, the guys made some progress even though the wind chill was pretty bitter. Gary and Jimmy framed the pantry. Tom started removing wallpaper in the biggest bedroom, which used to belong to Frances, Bud's aunt.

I tried to call Bryan this afternoon to let him know the custom-door kit for the warming drawer had arrived. He's out of the office 'til Friday. I hope I can remember to call him then.

Bud started preparing the motorcycle trailer so that we can use it to haul our vanities and bed back from the Amish place later this week.

Laura says Lance is doing great and is almost finished with his antibiotics. Best news is they've discovered he has feeling is his cute little toes!

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