Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 169: Feb. 21, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
Gary, Jimmy and I met with Jesse, the electrician, again this morning. He's going to start roughing in wiring either tomorrow or Monday, depending on the weather.

Gary and Jimmy installed some of the windows and doors in the great room this morning. I don't have pictures because, even after more than five months, I never remember to take the camera when I stop by the house! So the photo's from yesterday -- of the chipboarded fireplace.

This afternoon, Bud and I ordered the disposal and a cool push-button switch for it that installs on the countertop. I'm kind of excited about that.

It seems like the wallpaper's practically falling off the walls it's coming down so fast now, which means I'm extra-hoping to get away from work early tomorrow to help move furniture.

But I'm stressed about bathroom choices right now, so I'd actually like to spend tomorrow afternoon looking at tile. Why can't tile places be open on the weekends?

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