Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 173: Feb. 25, 2008

Originally uploaded by budandmary
The garbage disposal and its push button arrived late this afternoon. Too bad I didn't grasp that we had to order an air-switch kit separately! I was a little shocked when I opened the box and found just a plastic button. LOL.

At the house, there are the still-going-ons:
-Bud and Tom are moving furniture out of the house
-Jesse is roughing in wiring
-Robert and the rest of the painting crew are removing wallpaper

And there are the in-discussions:
-We may take down the big pine between the addition and the garage after all. Bud and I have been mildly worried about what we would do if it died (since we're making some big deck modifications to accommodate it), and now Gary says we can't pour a patio footer without damaging a major root.
-Jesse says if we're installing a second water heater anyway, we should put it upstairs -- so we won't have to wait an eternity for hot water on the second floor.

Gary changed our ready-for-cabinets date from March 15 to the beginning of April. Disappointing, but not entirely unexpected. There's not a speck of drywall up yet (although I heard that the subcontractor stopped by today). Heck, we're still missing windows and doors.

I found a paint color for the kitchen and great room. The master bedroom is still a mystery, though. A shopping trip for new bedding could be very inspiring, don't you think?

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