Friday, November 2, 2007

Day 59: Nov. 2, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
No idea what happened at the house today. We left town this morning before they got started, and we didn't get back 'til after dark.

Boy, did we make kitchen progress, though! Our first appointment was at the cabinet place that offers CAD. Although many of the colors in this first draft aren't right, we were excited to see how our kitchen might come together.

We made a couple of changes right away. First, we switched the panels in the small uppermost doors to seeded glass. Then we shortened the two middle cabinets over the desk (at the far left of the drawing). They'll still extend to the ceiling, but they'll be shorter at the bottom by a few inches.

We'll examine the draft more closely this weekend. For one thing, I forgot again to ask if inset doors are a possibility here. And maybe we'd rather have additional counter space instead of a desk. Anyway, we're leaning pretty hard toward this cabinetmaker right now.

But we're expecting two more bids, including one from the Amish place we visited this afternoon. We spent a couple of hours there making all the usual cabinet choices.

The thing that excites me the most about the Amish guys is that they build other furniture too. So we took them photos of the vanity we're planning to buy and a bed we really like. They'll give us estimates on those also.

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