Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day 77: Nov. 20, 2007

Originally uploaded by budandmary
I didn't go back to work last night. So I got an extra-early start today, even by Tuesday standards. It's good to be home.

The guys built the driveway retaining wall today. In the picture, you can see the pieces of the old back steps on the garage side of the wall.

The siding is finally finished! And the vent in the dormer has been replaced. I'm not sure if any of our previous pictures show that it was octagon-shaped. The architect's plans called for a half-moon vent, echoing the attic windows, so now that's what we have.

The garbage company picked up the full trash bin this afternoon. But we didn't get another one just yet. First, the driveway's gravel base will be delivered and graded. We'll spend all winter driving on it to pack it down in preparation for paving in the spring.

I called the Amish furniture guys today and gave them the go-ahead on our vanities and bed. It's pretty frustrating to try to do business without the benefit of anything electronic except the phone. They'll mail us some questions -- I'm assuming to make sure all the details, like dimensions and finish, are correct. Then we'll mail the answers back with a 50 percent down payment. With all that snail mail, maybe they'll actually get started by Christmas!

I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Thanksgiving turducken. He made it from Lafayette, La., to Memphis, Tenn., last night. At 5 this afternoon, he departed Memphis. He's due here tomorrow, so he'd better fly faster tonight.

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